Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Karma-random thoughts

If an animal is butchered now,it should have been a butcher then,
If a septuagenarian  is disrespected now,he should have been a disrespectful adoelscent then,
If a greenhorn actor makes it big now,he should have been a impecunious great actor then,
An enslaved person gasping for democracy now,should have been a tyrant autocrat then,
A good Samaritan mortal now,should have been a materialistic demigod then,
A demigod now,should have been a self realized mortal then,
An opulent philanthropist now,should have been a pauper who embraced altruism then,
A bored husband now,should have been a boring wife then,
A vexed third world citizen now,should have been a malcontent first world citizen,
A great person now,should have been a good person then,
A lackluster blogger then,should be reading this blog now.


  1. I loved the last one, now am contemplating why did I read it here lol :) Very unique and upbeat. Will come often to read you.
