Monday, January 10, 2011

Of Loved Ones & Loud Ones!

Fossil fuels,petroleum,oil etc aren't only the endangered natural resources that are fast depleting and need to be conserved,there's one more natural resource-our Emotional Apparatus.
 Like the aforesaid resources our grandparents too won’t be there for our successors to live alongside, that is nature’s design, but at the current rate of emotional nuclearity chances of their memories penetrating to the next generation looks bleak!

We have mentally evolved into abominable creatures who are insensitive to emotions not with flair, but with a lot of herd instinct to be “COOL”. Our generation just doesn’t have time to succumb to the beauty of nostalgia to take us over on a pleasure trip to relive those eternally cherished moments with our close buddies, because we are flashback proof! We are these futuristic douchebags who live in the present and hate to think about the past that is dead.

When at our grandparent's place, especially during festival time formality visit/due diligence they try  sermonising  on how bad and mean the world around has become with a lot of unadulterated concern and love for us(little do they know that we have already sunk into jetlag mode!).Accepted that beyond the first two minutes this conversation,err monologue becomes a tad too tiresome(which is attributable to the wavelength differences effected by the steep generation gap)…but we go over the top in calling them uninteresting on their faces bluntly without provision for courtesy in the name of being “frank”!!But the truth is we just don’t have the time for this in our suffocating busy agenda comprising of visits to ethnically designed coffee pubs, talks about unresolved issues with opposite sex or their attractiveness or lack of it,adventurous escapades from parental advice, political scams(in a "I can fix that" tone), gossip about celebrities, movie reviews, gang conflicts & territorial issues, hogging in newly opened neighborhood food joints, indulgence in expensive slow death inducing activities a.k.a  fagging & boozing etc.

Most ironical thing about us we don’t show love to the people who show love to us, but immerse neck deep the ones who hardly acknowledge our existence with our love and are bemused with the lack of reciprocation. The fact is they are just mirroring your state of mind & reconfirming your entitlement. When you keep poking your loved one’s soft corner  persistently, you’ve got to be the punching bag of a heartless person at some juncture.

Whatever we are faced with now, good or bad is our hard earned dividend from the past. So next time when you get blasted by your boss at the work place, insulted by the conductor for not tendering exact change, subjected to handpicked swear words of a autodriver at a signal for his fault, involved in a lopsided brawl with a brawny barbarian in a crowded place, snubbed by your gang for  a plan you were dying to be part of, kidnapped on your birthday & released subsequently on grounds of mistaken identity, get your expensive white shirt  smeared with chocolate coloured water on a rainy day by a careless driver you must wake up to this revelation!
Just remember that with every mindless drama at home with your loved ones, you’re getting earmarked for some assorted fancy repercussions carefully directed by fate!

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